Thursday, July 2, 2015


The stars at night are big and bright, deep in the heart of Texas...
The Cowboys say "yippee-ki-yay"  deep on the heart of Texas.

Like any fabulous Texas grandma, I have taught parts of this classic price of music to my grands.  Just enough to annoy their parents.  It makes my heart sing when they sing.

So tonight my young adult came home with Texas shaped pasta, so of course we had to eat something Texan. 

The cast of characters
1 pkg Texas pasta
3 bullion cubes (2 chipotle and 1 cilantro)
4 cups water
1 can wolf brand chili without beans
1 cup shredded cheese
Place pasta and bullion in PC, cover with water.  Low pressure for 4 minutes, quick release.  Add chili and cheese.  Stir.  I enjoyed mine with a dollop of sour cream and we ate it along side blackened salmon.